Описание ресурса

The Method Simplifying Inverse Laplace Transformation At Oscillatory Processes Researches. The "Amplitude, Phase, Frequency" Problem In Radioelectronics And Its Solution


Zolotarev I.D.
Предметная областьОбщая физика
Уровень образованияВысшее профессиональное
Целевая группаУчащийся
Вид ресурсаУчебник, учебное пособие
Вид носителяИнтернет-ресурс
Форма доступаНа условиях правообладателя
Формат представленияТекст
Размещение ресурсаhttp://omsk.openet.ru/University.nsf/Index.htm!Open&Menu=VPCatalog-Resources-All&VPID=105&Action=View&ID=005105466464&Options=-None
ПравообладательОмский государственный университет
Контактная информация
АннотацияThe research method of transient processes in oscillatory systems is stated. It permits essential simplification of the most difficult operation in finding solution of a system differential equation - inverse Laplace transformation. It is shown that complex signal provides correct definition of an envelope and phase of a real signal using this method. The obviousness of obtained solutions is achieved by engaging the spectral method. The examples of transient processes calculation in developing radioelectronic devices are given. This tutorial is intended for students, post-graduate students, engineers, scientific employees of both radio and electrotechnical specialities and also specialists in the field of measuring and automation technology while researching dynamics of oscillating systems.
Год издания2004
Место изданияОмск
РегионОмская обл.
Технические требования
Последнее изменение: 01.12.2005 (12:43)
Разработка Томского государственного университета, 2005